Affiliate TOS Page – Your Daily Niche

Affiliate TOS Page


  1. Affiliation, effects, and duration.

1.1. The “Affiliate Marketing” program for the Executive Watches brand calls for a request by the Affiliate, filling in the membership application form at the web address

Once completed and signed the form, reserves the unappealable right of judgment and evaluation of the Affiliate asking the admission to the program.

The subscription request and the accession to the Agreement are free and do not involve any liability and/or economic present and future obligation to the Parties.

1.2. In case of a positive outcome of the admission evaluation to the program, the Affiliate will receive a confirmation at the email address indicated in the affiliate application form along with their credentials for the private members area of the Web site, the style guidelines for the use of brand image and brand products, the identification coupon code and the specifications on the duration and modes of use.

1.3. The affiliate program will be completed and will take effect after the above-mentioned confirmation.

1.4. Even after the establishment of the affiliate program, reserves the right to revoke at any time the Affiliation Agreement in case of breach of these contractual terms of the program or in case of assessments of a supervening incompatibility between the Affiliate and the image of the brand.

The Affiliate may, at any time, decide to terminate the relationship, communicating the decision by email. The fees accrued up to that point will be paid in the manner described in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this contract.


  1. Objectives and terms of the Agreement

2.1. This affiliate program aims to create a temporary partnership between and the Affiliates requesting it in the manner referred to in point 1 above. The aim is to forge a link designed to ensure mutual benefits.

For the purpose of this program, we call affiliate marketing a collaborative relationship between and the Affiliate without any relationship of subordination and/or mutual exclusivity, notwithstanding the effects of the individual sales that the affiliate obtains for and that will allow the Affiliate to receive a percentage under the following terms and conditions of affiliate marketing.

2.2. As specified in the next points 3 and 4, sales attributable to the affiliate, where he is entitled to commissions, are uniquely associated to him/her through the “coupon codes” system and guaranteed and certified by the Affiliate Royale WordPress technology.

2.3. By joining the program, the Affiliate declares to be a professional, within the meaning of the Consumer Code and to this end he/she agrees to send to the tax references needed to the economic treatment of the affiliation relationship.


  1. Operative modes and guidelines

3.1. In order to facilitate the affiliate in the production of original content for promotional reasons, may, at its discretion, arrange, at its own expense, provide the Affiliate with the Lifetime membership at the

3.4. assumes no responsibility for any errors in the descriptions of the items in the event of an unauthorized use, by the Affiliate, of text, quotes, photographic reproductions and not, or any other visual or audiovisual material protected by the Copyright Laws and used by partners, violating it.

3.5. The Affiliate is fully responsible for the development, management, and maintenance of his/her site, the profiles linked to it on the “social networks” platforms and all elements used for the promotion of the products. accepts no responsibility for any damage or expense arising from the development, management, and maintenance of the partner website content.

3.6. is committed to maintaining at his own expense the official web site of the Your Daily Niche brand at fully functional and operational, except in cases of force majeure or interruptions due to ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. In any case, will not be held responsible for any of the consequences of such interruptions.


  1. Fees Calculation

4.1. As provided in paragraph 2 above, once established the Affiliate program, will make an Affiliate private area of the web site through which, with its own private credentials, the Affiliate will be able to verify and monitor its position (bank statement, associated orders, etc).

4.2. will also provide a unique Affiliate Code, guaranteed by proprietary and third-party Affiliate Royale WordPress technology, which will certify the fees payable to the Affiliate for each sale concluded by customers identified via the above code, commissions that are established in following terms: 25% on the price of published and available products, excluding VAT and any discounts (including that generated by the affiliate Code).

In no event the Parties can claim a number of purchases that are different from those certified by the Affiliate Royale plugin of the WordPress platform.

4.3. No commissions will be paid on orders paid using affiliate commissions and for products, whose order lines are canceled due to sudden lack of the product itself without any fault by


  1. Billing and payments

5.2. The payment of the invoice (or any other accounting document) issued by the Affiliate will be made by by Paypal within 30 days of receipt of the accounting document.


6. Privacy Policy

The Parties mutually agree to safeguard their privacy in accordance with Art. 13 of the Legislative Decree. 196/2003. The data collected is mutually and exclusively used and will not be disclosed to third parties.


  1. Issues or information about this contract

In order to solve any doubt or ask for information on the content and/or interpretation of this contract, the affiliate applicant or the affiliate can send an e-mail to

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